Sunday 25 August 2013

Test Account already done !! :D

Assalammualaikum , hye !! Don't know how to say , but im very happy today because my account test already done. I think i can't answer the paper but Alhamdulillah , finally i can answer all the question. I actually no mood to make a revision for subject account today , and guess what ?? I ask my friend Amalina to slap me because im too lazy. Even thought , its pain but enjoy and feel want to ask her to slap me again , haha ..

Today just test , for sure when final exam i was thinking i will get more burden in my head and more stress !! Guess what ?? Actually I hate Account and business mathematics !! My brain is not like computer or calculator , huarrghhh !! so slow when talking about number :( .. i got jealous with my friend Amalina , she's very clever and most likely bussiness mathematics .. how to say , her brain like a calculator i guess .. 
I'll try to study more and throw away my lazy attitude , I want to success and make my parents proud :)

I already feeling sleepy and want to sleep , so thats all for today .. wish me luck for my future .. Astaghfirullah for my past and Alhamdulillah for my future .. good night , peace be upon you :)

Saturday 24 August 2013

The Best Day :)

Hye peeps !! Today is my best day , hehe .. dont know how to say , even this weekend no holiday for me because for today i have a cocum  and for tomorrow we have test Account !! Too tired , not sleep enough , no rest  and so on :( .. miss my family so much .. huhu :( wanna back home !!
Already miss my mother dishes , father's advice , play with my siblings even thought they are very naughty and do not listen what I say .. huhu , really miss them :(

By the way , this day I was also playing a musical instrument. Even for the first time , I was feeling angry because I got the instrument for me very weight but I think that instrument is the great tool .. how lucky !! Dont know how to pronounce the instrument , but i think im the lucky one :) .. still feeling tired and want to sleep but i can't do what i want now because we must to study for test tomorrow !! Ohh my dear ACCOUNT !! You are killing me !! Like last night , this night no need to sleep untill dawn and just studying with friends :(
Need more packets of nescafe again for sure not feeling sleepy .. huarggghhhhh !!
Wish we all the best for tomorrow and can answer the paper , amin in sha allah :)

I think that's all because i need to go downstairs for study ACCOUNT with my friends .. OHH MY ENGLISH !! Broken !! By the way , bye , peace be upon you :D

Monday 12 August 2013

The craziness Of Us :)

                                              Hope our friendship will last forever <3 :)

For the first time I went to class , I feel very awkward , because I don't know many people. Some I know from pre-com tawau but not too close so its annoy me :( 
How lucky , I know Kak El , Amal and Zila .  Now they is my best friend !! First time I knew zila quiet and kind of lovely kind girl, once familiar with she closely and we just found out this one head too .. crazy brain and very concerned, I'm pretty comfortable with she .. about
Amalina, the first not so close, but when it started to close and comfortable with her ​​new know her true temperament how she likes to talk more about the subject and the problems associated with love .. kind of love is also her doctor, hehe .. she is greedy for knowledge and we always learn together until midnight more subject business  mathematics .. about Kak El, the first meeting we not so close but we have not for a long time we got closer and started to know each other,Kak El very good and caring .. I was happy and comfortable with them, I hope our friendship will remain indefinitely despite the many trials that hit .. I love them like my own family :)

First Eid Mubarak :)

Assalammualaikum , hye peeps !! Happy Eid Mubarak from me .. sorry for all my mistake that I have done to all my friends . I want to share about my first Eid with my family , for this year my colour theme of baju raya is pink colour . I feel a little bit regret because actually this year I want the blue colour for my colour theme of baju raya :(

First Eid, I feel sad when I can't celebrate Eid with my father because this year all my family and relatives celebrate Eid at Sandakan while my father at Tuaran. Here , I want to share my pictures that I take at first Eid.

This is my picture with my lovely sister :)

I hope for the next Eid all my family can gathering together to celebrate Eid with more happines :) . That's all for today , see you next time .. daaaa ~ :D

Testing !!!

Hye !! This is my first entry for this blog .. this is my second blog because my first blog im forgot the password. Actually i don't know anything about blog , and i dont like to update my blog day by day. How lucky , my first blog created by Kak Ita , thanks a lot for her because without she ,  I think my blog doesn't created. Started from she created my blog , I was feeling happy and greatful because I already have my own blog. But , when I'm try to open my blog , my blog was not able to open and i was feeling dissappointed :( guess what ?? actually i'm forgot my password .. how lucky !!

Then , my second blog created by my friend , Brayond. A lots thanks for him because he still want to help me for created my blog even thought we are not so close , hehehehe ..

Last but not least , I hope  i'm still have chance to update my blog next time :) .. byee , peace be upon to you :D