Saturday 24 August 2013

The Best Day :)

Hye peeps !! Today is my best day , hehe .. dont know how to say , even this weekend no holiday for me because for today i have a cocum  and for tomorrow we have test Account !! Too tired , not sleep enough , no rest  and so on :( .. miss my family so much .. huhu :( wanna back home !!
Already miss my mother dishes , father's advice , play with my siblings even thought they are very naughty and do not listen what I say .. huhu , really miss them :(

By the way , this day I was also playing a musical instrument. Even for the first time , I was feeling angry because I got the instrument for me very weight but I think that instrument is the great tool .. how lucky !! Dont know how to pronounce the instrument , but i think im the lucky one :) .. still feeling tired and want to sleep but i can't do what i want now because we must to study for test tomorrow !! Ohh my dear ACCOUNT !! You are killing me !! Like last night , this night no need to sleep untill dawn and just studying with friends :(
Need more packets of nescafe again for sure not feeling sleepy .. huarggghhhhh !!
Wish we all the best for tomorrow and can answer the paper , amin in sha allah :)

I think that's all because i need to go downstairs for study ACCOUNT with my friends .. OHH MY ENGLISH !! Broken !! By the way , bye , peace be upon you :D

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